Monday, September 19, 2011

20110919: Research.

Street Art.

  • "Graffiti" / Urban Art
  • Any art that created and performed in the public area. 
  • Can be done in any forms, from simple scratch, writing in pen or huge painting on the wall. 
  • Techniques: murals, LED art, sticker art, street installation and etc
  • Generally accepted by most public
  • MOCA, The Museum of Contemporary Art created exhibition of street art "Art in the Streets" 
  • Famous: Belin, Bristol, Melbourne
  • Believe that it has started since the caveman era
  • Daniel Feral created this diagram that elaborates the timeline of street art/graffiti


3D Street Art:

  • Banksy 
  • From Bristol, London, 1974
  • Became a street artist at aged of 18 - as one of Bristol's DryBreadZ Crew (DBZ), with Kato and Tes.
  • Also a film director and painter
  • Stencils -  traditionally hand drawn or printed onto sheets of acetate or card, before being cut out by hand.
  • He said: "I use whatever it takes. Sometimes that just means drawing a moustache on a girl's face on some billboard, sometimes that means sweating for days over an intricate drawing. Efficiency is the key."

Artwork by Banksy:

  • He still lives in Bristol
  • He has lots of artwork that is very famous in Europe. 
  • He works with many famous artists like Brat Pitt and Angelina Jolie
  • He have written books
  • His artwork is available at Banksy

Chosen Picture.

Element of Design:
Line: Lines created with the procedure of stencils
Shape: Combination of the shape of human and objects
Direction: Horizontal-pictured
Size: Based on real size of the 'human', which is as big as a size of a kid and the objects
Texture: Drawn on concrete surface, which is wall, and color painting for the shapes
Color: Black in color, with some white to create the reality of the shapes
Value: Monotone as black is the most color used to create a scene like shadows

    Principle of Design:
    Balance: It is balance in showing the reality of the shapes
    Gradation: Not much gradation is done as the most spaces is filled with only one color
    Repetition: No repetition is done
    Contrast: No contrast in terms of wheel but yes, for the tone, which is dark
    Harmony: it shows the existence of light because of the shadow concept
    Dominance: Mainly falls on the shape of the girl
    Unity: The shapes are in well unity which creates a story


      Photos credit to Google.

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